Here Are the Benefits Onion Skins Can Provide

Onions have been in our kitchens for a long time, as they’re an all-time favorite for countless recipes. They give fantastic flavor, but the actual onion skin always gets tossed out. But that’s because people aren’t aware of how healthy the skin can be and how it helps our bodies in different ways. Here are some great benefits you should keep in mind the next time you open your trash can!

Improve Digestion With an Onion Skin

Head the Benefits Onion Skins Can Provide and Close the Garbage Can
Improve Digestion With an Onion Skin

According to Anna Cacon, MD, onion skins are rich in fiber, which is a natural digestion aid, and may also help improve your blood sugar levels. You might be amazed by the findings of a recent study, but it turns out that the largest portion of dietary fiber is found precisely in the skin of the vegetable. So, if you’re having problems with elimination, don’t throw away the skin!

Boost the Immune System

Among the various beneficial compounds in onion skins are antioxidants, which can boost your immune system. Such compounds are associated with reducing inflammation and oxidative stress, which is when you suffer an imbalance in the production of free radicals. The skin neutralizes these radicals and protects immune cells from damage.

Boost the Immune System

Lower Bad LDL Cholesterol

The potent antioxidant quercetin, found in the skin is a great aid in lowering harmful LDL cholesterol. This antioxidant inhibits the liver’s production of cholesterol and reduces the absorption of that from the intestines. Research from The British Journal of Nutrition suggests that only after about six weeks, this compound noticeably reduced LDL in patients.

Speed Up the Process of Weight Loss

If you’re always looking for a quicker way to lose weight, you might want to incorporate onion skins into your diet. All you need is a supplement of skin extract, and you can noticeably reduce your waistline within 12 weeks, as was found in a recent study. The extract increases calorie burn while the body is at rest.

Speed Up the Process of Weight Loss