40+ Hilarious Knock-Off Brands That Aren’t Fooling anyone
You've heard of knock-off designer handbags, watches, and luggage, but here are some hilarious knock-off brands that aren't fooling anyone (but they sure are funny)! These brands have been spotted on the internet by shopaholics looking to get their fix without spending too much money or by clever social media pranksters who couldn't resist the urge to show off their shopping skills with some side-splitting pictures. No matter how you view them, these hilarious knock-off brands are guaranteed to crack you up!
Definietly Not KFC
KFD is a knock-off of KFC. They are similar in that they are both fried chicken chains, but the similarities do not end there. KFD also has its take on Colonel Sanders, acting as its logo.
It even uses the same font style and has all the same fixings as KFC, minus the finger-licking good taste. Yet, the food is not seasoned as it should be, and their breading doesn't have the crunchy texture you would expect from a fast-food restaurant.